Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP)
This program is a multi-jurisdictional cooperative effort among the County, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, and thirteen north county cities, all working to improve the water quality of south San Francisco Bay and the streams of Santa Clara County, by reducing nonpoint source pollution in storm water runoff and other surface flows. SCVURPPP was established in response to two water quality regulations affecting the San Francisco Bay: the federal Clean Water Act, and the San Francisco Bay Basin Water Quality Control Plan (RWQCB Basin Plan).
Find more information on the official website
SCVURPPP programs
The Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program's 15 participating agencies, or co-permittees, undertake various activities to address the requirements of their shared NPDES Permit. The goals of these activities include the following:
- Eliminate illicit connections and illegal discharges to the storm drain system.
- Promote public awareness of and participation in the Programs efforts to control nonpoint source pollution.
- Identify and control storm water pollution generated by industrial and commercial activities.
- Establish storm water management programs for public agencies to reduce the amount of pollutants that enter and accumulate in storm drains from governmental operations.
- Identify and establish local regulatory control measures for activities that can contribute pollutants to the storm drain system, such as new development and construction, and residential, commercial and industrial activities.
- Identify specific pollutant sources, such as those from transportation activities, and identify strategies to control them.
- Monitor streams, storm drains, and land use sites to assess sources and effects of, as well as control and treatment options for pollutants in urban runoff.
- Characterize and identify the groups of chemicals in nonpoint source pollution discharges which are toxic to aquatic life in streams.