Development Permit Resubmittals
Note: The Department of Planning & Development is only accepting electronic submittals, as paper plan sets cannot be reviewed at this time.
- Review comments from all reviewers will be provided in a comprehensive comment letter.
- Once all revised documents have addressed all of the review comments, upload the resubmittal via the Public Permit Portal (see instructions below).
- A response letter is required with all resubmittals. Please see correction letter for further instructions.
- Resubmittal packages must comply with digital submittal requirements, file names must comply with naming convention, and sets must be complete (we cannot digitally slip-sheet pages).
- Send an email to your designated Permit Technician (or [email protected] if one has not been assigned) advising the resubmittal has been uploaded. Email must include:
- Email subject line: “Resubmittal” and Permit Application Number Example: Resubmittal – DEV19-0000
- A Permit Technician will verify completeness of resubmittal and route to appropriate reviewers within 2 business days.
In order to make a digital resubmittal, the following is required:
- A public use account in is required in the Public Permit Portal
- To create a user account, see County of Santa Clara Public Permit Portal user manual
- Once the user account has been created, email your request to your designated Permit Technician (or [email protected] if one has not been assigned). Email must include:
- Email subject line: “Link” and Permit Application Number, Ex: Link – DEV19-0000.
- Created user account email that is to be linked.
- Property address
Additional notes
- An e-mailed application for a permit is not a permit.
- This process is not for emergency permits.
- If a notification is not received within 2 business days from the time the application was e-mailed to us, please email us again at [email protected].
- This process is subject to change as improvements are implemented by the Department.