Policies and Guidelines
The Board of Supervisors has adopted various policy and guideline documents to support how development occurs on private land throughout unincorporated Santa Clara County. Below are links to the policy and guideline document that implement the County's General Plan. For assistance in understanding which guideline(s) are applicable to your project, please call (408) 299-5700 to speak with a Planner-on-Duty.
Architecture and Site Approval Guidelines
Guidelines for Grading and Hillside Development
San Martin Integrated Design Plan
Private Development Hand-outs
Below are helpful hand-outs and guides related to zoning development standards, floor-area ratio (FAR) calculations, fences, livestock regulations, building height measurements, etc.
Residential Development Standards by Zoning Districts
How-To Calculate Building Height
Guide on Fence Standards by Zoning Districts
Guide on Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) in -n1 Combined Zoning District